Beauty & Wellness


Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may find yourself at home far longer than usual. What better time for spring-cleaning then? Or should we say ‘summer cleaning’? Here are some ideas to help you spruce up your domestic sanctuary.

Storage Tips

Our closets are much more than simply storage units; they should display and store our clothes and accessories carefully, offer easy access and guarantee…

July Treasures

Your skin; it is your best feature but let’s face it, it’s also the most underrated. Especially these days when all you need to do is slap on a filter and clear your blemishes to snap a perfect selfie.

Weight Loss

Social media and celebrity endorsements have ensured that liquid diets, cleansing and detoxing are popular today. But Angie De Silva cautions that “this is not evidence based. Some of these are endorsed by quack doctors and nutritionists.

Performing Arts

A musical performance encompasses several elements; and they go beyond the performance per se. Nishantha Warnakula­suriya shares his views on ‘performance psychology’ and the pre­para­tion involved in the process.

The Bride

If you’re planning your wedding, your to-do list is likely to be a mile long; so investing precious time and money on preparing for the big day is par for the course. You have to locate and book a venue, figure out which cake maker to rely on and decide whether you want a DJ or band.


Marilyn Monroe once famously said: “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.” Good shoes play a big part in completing any outfit and when choosing your pairs, always keep aesthetics, practicality and versatility in mind.