Shareefa Thahir

Journalist, radio jockey and news reader, television presenter and news anchor

This and That

Q: Three words that best describe you

A: Driven, creative and curious

Q: Best piece of advice you’ve received

A: Focus on yourself and do the right thing no matter how hard it is

Q: What ‘home’ means to you

A: A stress free paradise where I can recharge and be myself

Q: Your pet peeve

A: Unethical people

Q: And your quirkiest talent

A: I can move my ears without touching them

Q: The weirdest question you’ve been asked

A: ‘Do you use a special voice for the microphone?’

Favourite Things

Q: Day of the week

A: Saturday is my ‘chill day’

Q: Fictional character

A: Hermione Granger – the type of friend who always has your back and knows all the answers

Q: You are most passionate about…

A: Sharing stories that connect people through news and entertainment

Q: Favourite book and author

A: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Q: Most watched movie genres

A: Drama, art house, romance and fantasy

Q: Your secret dance move

A: I bust out random moves to burn off energy

Stuff of Dreams

Q: A person with whom you would like to collaborate

A: American comedian and television host Jimmy Fallon – his fun approach to interviews would be a blast

Q: A childhood fantasy

A: To live in a tree house – and be surrounded by nature and adventure

Q: An ambition yet to be achieved

A: To write a book that impacts people globally

Q: Who inspires you?

A: My parents

Q: If you could possess any skill instantly, what would it be?

A: To speak multiple languages fluently

Q: And if you could have one wish come true, what would it be?

A: That universal peace and understanding would ensue

Deep and Meaningful

Q: A moment you would like to go back to

A: My ‘morning show’ days – I loved the energy and fun we had

Q: Little-known facts about you

A: I am very emotional and injustice affects me badly

Q: What are the most rewarding aspects of your career?

A: Making an impact, educating others, meeting new people and travelling

Q: And what would you like to be remembered for?

A: As someone who inspired and uplifted others

Q: Three things without which you would be lost

A: My phone, music and a good cup of coffee

Q: Your motto in life

A: Lift others as you rise – because true growth knows no competition

– Compiled by Prashanthi Cooray
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