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Smartphones and fashion BY Pia Hatch
What would we do without our smartphones? Judging by the panic that ensues if we misplace them for even a second, loss isn’t something we are keen to contemplate. And that’s not surprising since our lives run on our smartphones.
How we access, shop and approach fashion are among the many areas that have undergone radical changes thanks to these devices.
Today, smartphones enable us to access trends as (and often before) they appear, help us judge their validity and longevity based on reliable reviews, shop for every-thing from high fashion to thrift, discover what our style mentors are wearing and how much they paid for it, and then purchase it or its more reasonably priced counterpart.
Fashion apps have become hugely popular, facilitating all of the above whilst also keeping a deeply personal account of our individual fashion choices. Here are some popular fashion apps worth trying out.
DISTRICT This app studies what you like over a period and creates a customised shopping experience that takes current trends into consideration while never forgetting your signature style. You can buy from an extensive list of department and speciality stores.
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY An app to fit on first, this is extremely valuable in this digital age because it offers free orders of items for you to try on. If the item doesn’t fit, you can send it back without the prospect of a lingering credit card charge. You’ll be charged only if you decide to keep the item.
STYLEBOOK CLOSET This app catalogues each item in your closet to help plan outfits, create packing lists and obtain expert styling tips. The calendar feature allows you to input outfits for each day of the week. And the app also helps track how often you wear certain clothes and provides a ‘cost per wear’ analysis.

“Fashion apps have become hugely popular “