Look up the word car in the dictionary you’ll find it defined as, “A four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation.” And if you ask a young child to draw a picture of a car, chances are they’ll draw a series of boxes and two circles for wheels. The basic question, what is a car?, is only child’s play at first glance, though. Consider it again and this question has never been more complex or trickier to answer than today.

In a time of semi-autonomous driving, electric cars that can be charged while you sleep and a growing consciousness about the need to help protect the planet, one thing is clear: the notion of what a car actually is needs a makeover. Audi is very conscious about this need for change. The brand wants to create the world of tomorrow—with progressive technology, passionate creativity, new thought-provoking innovations and the unstoppable will to produce an adequate form of mobility as its ethos.

audi concept car
Concept vehicle shown. Vehicle not for sale.

The proof? The Audi Skysphere concept—an impressive car with an electric motor, luxurious interior and a fully digital ecosystem. Henrik Wenders, head of brand at Audi, even goes as far as to no longer call it a car. He prefers the term “experience device” and says “in the future, it won’t only be about the driving, it’ll be about the experience that the passengers and users have on their journey.”

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