Marie Claire: 3/16/2022

What is an angel number?

Great question. An angel number is any number made up of repeating digits, like 111, 222, 333, and so on. Each angel number is supposed to have a special significance, so when someone sees the angel number while going about their daily life, it means that the universe is trying to communicate a specific message to that person.

What does each angel number mean?

000: 0 is the ultimate square one. It’s a symbol of new beginnings, so if you’re unhappy, hold tight: There’s a whole new story for you just waiting to be written (cue that Natasha Bedingfield song).

111: Whatever you’re manifesting is coming to you, so stay focused and trust your intuition.

222: Be present, trust the process, and know that, for now, you are exactly where you need to be.

333: Take care of yourself! Self-care is a holistic process that should include mind, body, and spirit.

444: Relax and know that you’re protected. Whether you believe in angels, spirit guides, the universe―whatever―know that you’re being watching over and that you’re going to be just fine.

555: The times, they are a-changin’! Get ready for the universe to take you on a brand new journey.

666: This number gets a pretty bad rap because of its association with Satanism, but it’s all a matter of perspective! Think of 666 more so as encouragement to explore your shadow self and re-center. Ask yourself: How are you living your life? Are your habits and beliefs serving you?

777: Luck/the universe/the angels are on your side. Keep doing what you’re doing and heading where you’re heading.

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