11900s: Corsets
Getty ImagesInternal organ damage, broken ribs, hours to get dressed—there is such thing as doing too much for fashun and corsets are it.
21910s: The Hobble Skirt
Getty ImagesSure they look chic, but walking in these heavy and constricting floor-length hemlines is no easy task. Imagine wearing a tight, ankle-length pencil skirt and having no choice but to move at a glacial pace: no fun.
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31920s: Cloche Hats
Getty ImagesUnless you're going for the look of an overgrown infant, this hat trend is better left for newborn babies.
41920s: Bathing Suit Dresses
Getty ImagesProps to all the women who managed to stay afloat whilst swimming in these taffeta dresses.
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51930s: T-Strap Shoes and Heeled Oxfords
Getty ImagesListen, I know the people of the '30s were going through a lot of things but there was no reason to act out by wearing this tragic footwear, now better known as vintage Taylor Swift shoes.
61940s: Mini Bowler Hats
Getty ImagesFact: miniature hats flatter very few heads.
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71950s: White Gloves
Getty ImagesElegant? Yes. Practical? No. How is one supposed to indulge in finger food while wearing these?
81950s: Poodle Skirts
Getty ImagesLook, everyone loves poodles but that isn't good enough reason to embroider them onto a skirt.
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91960s: Patterned Tights
Getty ImagesWhoever thought that multi-colored, multi-patterned tights would flatter ANY HUMAN'S legs was seriously mistaken.
101960s: "Futuristic" Fashion
Getty ImagesLet us all be grateful in knowing that the fashion of the future never actually ended up looking like this. These metallic skin-tight pants are nobody's friend.
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111960s: Babydoll Dresses
Getty ImagesBeing an adult is pretty terrible but dressing like a small child is equally terrible and next-level creepy.
121970s: Patchwork Peasant Skirts
Getty ImagesVery few people can manage to pull off wearing a quilt as a skirt.
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131970s: Sweater Vests
Getty ImagesAside from really serving no purpose whatsoever, sweater vests are truly flattering on no one.
141970s: Jumpsuits for Men
The jumpsuit isn't for everyone and that's okay.
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151970s: Safety Pin Face Jewelry
Getty ImagesThe whole punk rock movement went a little too far at times; let it serve as a general life lesson that we should never pierce our cheeks with office supplies.
161980s: Leg Warmers
Getty ImagesIs it even humanly possible for someone's calves to get chilly while working out? Please advise.
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171980s: Every Color in the World at Once
Getty Images 181980s: Everything On Madonna in This Photo
Getty ImagesColored leggings. Mini skirt layered on top of said leggings. Neon everywhere. The worst colored makeup in the history of makeup. 600 rubber bracelets to weight train your wrists. It all hurts so much.
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191980s: MC Hammer Pants
Getty ImagesWhen not even the founder of a fashion trend can manage to pull the look off, that's when you know there's a problem (Sorry, MC, you're still great).
201980s: Sweatbands
Getty ImagesJust when you thought the act of sweating couldn't get any more unappealing, this "accessory" became a thing.
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